Date(s) - 22/09/1995 - 24/09/1995
12:00 am
Lauderdale Hotel, Scotland
It gives the Rotary Club of Lauderdale great pleasure to organise and host the fourth Assembly of “EUROIARY ’87”. Interest in the organisation continues to grow and we look forward to welcoming a record number of Rotarians and their partners representing 12 clubs from seven European countries.
In the short time of the assembly we hope that you get to know your fellow Europeans better and realise that the number of things we have in common far exceed the differences between us.
We have arranged a programme which will give you a brief insight into our Scottish culture, ourmanufacturing industries and our history.
We hope your brief stay in the Scottish Borders will be an enjoyable one and that perhaps you will visit the area again for a longer stay.
Last year at the Assembly in Westerlo President Stefaan proposed that we should contribute to some social pulpose and this year we are attempting to introduce a fundraising venture to provide an ambulance for the Santiniketan/Bolpur area in West Bengal where there is not an ambulance
within an 80 Km radius, and therefore there is no means of transporting sick people to either of the two minor hospitals in the area.
We have not set any target for the amount of money we hope to raise but any surplus from running the Assembly will be devoted to this project along with money raised by the various schemes we will be presenting during the course of the Assembly.
We hope your Club can join us in contributing to this project to make it a memorable international first for Eurotary 87. Ifeach Club could contribute their annual donation to the Foundation to this project then together we will achieve our objective. A matching grant from the Foundation will ensure that this humanitarian and social need can be fulfilled.